Absolutely! God's will for everyone is found from the teachings of Jesus and his disciples in the Bible, which was written by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. 2 Timothy 3:16 tells us that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness”. As Christians, our beliefs, our teachings, and our lives must faithfully honor the wisdom found in God’s
holy word.
God is all-powerful, all knowing, and isn't limited to time or space. He created everything and everyone and is the undisputed King of the universe. Though there is one God, His nature is seen in the roles of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. To God, every person matters profoundly. This is why he sent Jesus, his son.
Jesus came to earth and died for our sins on a cross. He rose from the dead and went to heaven to be with His father. Jesus promised to come back someday so that Christians can join Him in heaven for eternity.
God’s gift of eternal salvation is freely given to all who follow Christ and have faith in Him. Our faith and love compels us to share the life-saving good news about Jesus Christ to everyone and everywhere, just as Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:18-20.
God is holy and we are sinners. As sinners we are lost, and only by embracing Jesus as Lord and Savior will our sins be forgiven and fellowship with God be restored. We are saved by the gift of God (grace), through our surrender, absolute trust, and unswerving reliance upon Jesus (faith). Saving faith is repenting of sin, confessing Christ as Lord, being baptized in water for the forgiveness of sins to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and remaining dependent only upon the blood of Jesus to secure our salvation. The works we do as Christians are in grateful response to the redemption we enjoy in Jesus Christ. We do not do good works to be saved; rather, we do good works because we are saved.
As part of God’s family, we enjoy spending time with each other. Together we worship God, study the Bible, serve others, share meals, sing, work, laugh and cry. If you want to make new friends and help others get to heaven, this is the place for you.
In worship we glorify God through singing, praying, reading, giving, preaching, and partaking in communion. Communion is a memorial celebration of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection that we observe every Sunday. The New Testament does not have many verses that speak about music and Christianity, but the verses that speak of it are enlightening. Ephesians 5:18-19 and Colossians 3:15-17 tells us that God enjoys music filled with gratitude that comes from our mouth and our heart. Just as the early Christians worshiped for over a thousand years, we sing a cappella. In all aspects of worship, we seek to please and honor God.